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School Military Events


    November 11th- Veteran's Day Parade


    Month of the Military Child

    April 15th- Purple-Up Day

    *Wear purple to support our Military Families*

Gerald Cross

Statewide Military School Liason  

Keesler AFB

Office Number: 228-376-8505


Sharhonda Johnson 

School Military Point of Contact

Nichols Elementary

Office Number: (228) 374-7250 ext: 7010

NES Military Brave Team

NES Brave Team 24-25 School Year

Nichols Elementary believes in creating an engaging and safe learning environment for students.  We strive for every student and family to feel welcomed when they come through our doors.  To help with this transition, we created a student-led transition program.  The NES Military Brave Team is led by our school's Military Point of Contact.  The NES Military Brave Team is responsible for helping our new students with an easy transition and to help them feel welcomed at Nichols Elementary School.